Legacy Ministry
Legacy Ministry provides opportunities for adults age 55 and up to experience life’s many transitions together. We do this through regular fellowship opportunities by caring for one another, learning together, serving others, and discipling others for Christ.
Relationships are built and maintained through numerous fellowships. These fellowships provide opportunities to spend time together thereby reducing loneliness and providing companionship. Fellowships include monthly luncheons, gatherings for coffee, dinner, desserts, trips away from the campus, and conferences. Fellowships help adults enjoy living life together. For more information or for help in signing up, please contact the church office at 770-476-3788 or email legacy@duluthbaptist.org
Legacy Lunch
Join us in the Family Life Center at 11:30am on the first Tuesday of each month for lunch and a program. The program offers a balance between entertainment, inspiration, and education.
No sign up required.
Coffee Fellowship
Join us each Thursday at 10:00am in the International Grounds Café for coffee and fellowship. Bring your favorite breakfast food to share.
No sign up required.
Sunday Evening Fellowships
One Sunday each month in Spring, Summer, and early Fall, we will gather together for food and fun in the Family Life Center.
No sign up required.
Legacy Day Trips
Legacy Day Trips offer opportunities to get together and travel to exciting places.
Legacy Events
Legacy Events provide evening and weekend opportunities for fun and fellowship at local events.
Care teams provide needed care and support to adults as they work through life’s difficulties and transitions. Some of these teams are formed from other adults within the church while others may be Christian-based support groups that meet outside the church. These care teams support adults through all phases of life and can provide both short-term and long-term care, support encouragement, and resources for working through life’s difficult times.
Home Care
The Home Care Ministry team visits, supports, and cares for the needs of those church members who are home-bound.
Contact Sandra Phillips for more information or contact the church office at legacy@duluthbaptist.org or 770-476-3788.
GriefShare uses support groups and seminars to minister long-term to people who are grieving the death of a loved one or friend. Numerous GriefShare support groups meet throughout the Atlanta area. The group closest to the church meets in person each Wednesday at 6:30pm at First United Methodist Church Duluth.
DivorceCare’s life-changing support groups guides people on the path of recovery after separation or divorce. It is a safe place where you’ll find helpful counsel to manage the emotional turmoil and practical tools for decision-making. The next DivorceCare support group will begin in September 2022 at First Baptist Duluth.
Contact Joe Moore at 585-820-9981 or email legacy@duluthbaptist.org for more information.
Senior Provisions
Senior Provisions is a Christian-based organization that helps older adults and their families prepare for and work through difficult transitions by coming alongside families and helping them find true solutions for home care, personal care homes, assisted living, and memory care.
Contact Cathy Suleiman at 949-291-0532 or email legacy@duluthbaptist.org no-cost support.
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain, or addiction of any kind. Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling your life. Nearby support groups meet Wednesdays at 7:00pm at Perimeter Church and On Monday’s at 6:30pm at North Metro Baptist Church.
Learning opportunities are provided to allow adults to experience and learn new things. These will encompass a wide range of topics meant to not only be fun and educational, but also great refreshers for the mind, body, and soul.
Adults need opportunities to serve others both in and outside the church. By providing frequent service and missions opportunities, adults will be able to use their abundant skills, abilities, gifts, and talents to share the love of Christ and address the needs of others. By serving others, they will become more aware of the needs in the church and the community.
Food Pantry
Volunteers are always needed to help pick up, shelve, pack, and distribute food in the First Baptist Food Pantry.
To signup to help or for more information, contact the church office at legacy@duluthbaptist.org or 770-476-3788.
Through Bible study, adults will be able to go deeper in exploring and understanding God’s Word. Additionally, there will be opportunities for adults to teach and mentor others, building disciples not only among 55+ adults, but also among younger adults, youth, children as well as grandchildren.