Worship Ministry
We exist to glorify God through God’s given musical related gifts and talents and to assist His people worshipping Him in spirit and in truth. We achieve the goals by providing as many ministry opportunities as possible, presenting our ministry in excellence, and by minimizing any possible distractions.
Praise Team - Our Praise Team meets Sunday mornings at 8:30 a.m. in the worship center. We worship together with our church body as we accompany the congregational singing with our musical instruments.
Production Team - We serve to create an unforgettable positive worship experience by providing excellent audio and video quality and minimizing any possible distractions to assist our church body worshipping the LORD. Contact Pastor Enrico (ecakranata@duluthbaptist.org) if you are interested to join our team.
Worship Choir - We rehearse every first Sunday of the month right after worship gathering in the Music Suite. Come and join us in making joyful noise praising our Lord Jesus Christ. CLICK HERE TO BE PART OF OUR CHOIR